Monday, March 2, 2009

Future by Microsoft

At the Wharton Business Technology Conference, Microsoft’s Business Division president Stephen Elop presented a video that predicted the uses of technology in the year 2019. The video shows future technologies that Microsoft Labs are considering including a wall that connects two classrooms in different parts of the world, lots of old school tech that connects with other stuff, touch displays, electronic newspapers and there’s a bit we love where someone photos someone’s presentation with their laptop and then takes their shot and starts interacting with the ’smart’ items in it.<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:8d7a2ef7-84cf-4daf-9a4d-2531c273f756&amp;showPlaylist=true&amp;from=shared" target="_new" title="Retail Future Vision">Video: Retail Future Vision</a>
Source MSN, PSFK

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