Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Кто кого? Скайнет нас или мы его. Новая игра от создателей фильма "Терминатор"

Sony, in promoting the new Terminator film, has created a game built on the twitter platform. To play you must register at www.resistance2018.com and follow tweets from @resistance2018. Game play follows in a similar manner to @playtwivia in which you @reply solutions to simple puzzles—word scrabbles, fill in the blanks and trivia. As the game is billed as a means for humans to communicate with each other in the “resistance” participants also get to receive “skynet warnings” about ongoing events in the terminator world and, of course, updates about the movie.

The game makes for an interesting weaving of gaming, social media, and marketing that strikes a delicate balance between being engaging and fun without being tiresomely involving. With participants pinged with messages from @resistance2018 on the hour, and puzzles being delivered every other hour, messages are kept at a manageable rate. As of today there are close to 3000 participants to the game that has been live since April 17th.


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