Saturday, March 28, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Periodic Table of Controllers



дорогие друзья IQ и не менее дорогие читатели нашего блога!

По четвергам мы обычно собираемся, чтобы поделиться тем интересным, что происходит в стране и в мире. На эти четверги мы приглашаем интересных людей, которым есть что сказать о своем деле, или вообще поделиться с нами своими взглядами на жизнь. Нам эти странные собрания свободного формата необходимы как воздух - так мы расширяем свое сознание, чтобы не превратиться в "только маркетинговых" людей. За время разных четвергов к нам приходили и художники, и писатели, и режиссеры, и редакторы, и всякие другие замечательные люди.

Сейчас мы решили, что в нынешние непростые времена имеет смысл наслаждаться четвергами не только в одиночку, но и приглашать на них тех, кто человечески и профессионально близок нам. Если вы себя считаете таковым, и хотите придти на наше четверговое собрание, дайте знать на, и мы с радостью рассмотрим вашу кандидатуру в качестве гостя.

Итак, программа на ближайшие четверги:

– утром приходит компания PrimeCinema и рассказывает о том, как нынче в стране устроен product-placement

– вечером в 17.00 мы смотрим суперфильм.
Это уникальная работа шведского режиссера Кая Поллака 2004 года. Она номинировалась на Оскар. В нашей стране проката этой честной, пронзительной, светлой, глубокой работы не было. Маркетологам она будет полезна тем, что этот фильм как бы о дирижере и о его хоре, но на самом деле о том, как вера одного человека способна инициировать различные конструктвные процессы среди группы людей, в нашем случае - среди целевой аудитории.
Картина будет идти в нашей нижней переговорной, на языке оригинала (шведский) и с английскими субтитрами, а также с моим переводом.
Здесь вы можете посмотреть интервью с режиссером:


– утром приходит главный редактор Мария Степанова, которая рассказывает про их замечательный проект. Напомню, на данный момент это лучший российский портал о культуре и искусстве, с отличными решениями в виде привлечения лучших авторов, концепцией «культура. Открытый доступ», а также видеоокнами с репортажами с реальных летучек редакций и т.д.

Вот ссылка на их замечательный видеораздел:
(лекции с винзавода, премьера новой песни нынешнего главного интернет-феномена Коли Воронова, мастер-класс по хип-хопу, Щербакова читает стихи и т.д. В общем, маст-си):

всем приятных и полезных четвергов в IQ!!!

хорошего дня,
Юлия Бурлакова

New Math

New Math is an interesting concept from writer and artist Craig Damrauer, illustrating the meaning of words and ideas using arithmetic equations.

Source Super Colossal via PSFK

Study: In-Game Video Advertising Trumps TV Advertising In Effectiveness

A study commissioned by NeoEdge Networks, a Mountain View, CA-based casual gaming advertising network, says (surprise, surprise) that video advertising within online games is more effective than TV advertising. Preliminary results of the study, which will conclude at the end of this month, seem to indicate online gaming audiences are more inclined to remember and positively percieve brands who experiment with pre, mid and post-roll video advertisements inside Web-based games.

Of course, studies ordered by commercial companies with a clear stake in the subject of the research like this one always need to be taken with a grain of salt, but the results are interesting nonetheless, and deserve a closer look. After all, major companies like Googleand Sony are eyeing in-game advertising revenues in a big way, and for good reason: depending on which research organization you trust, spending on in-game advertising is supposed to grow to between $732 million and $1.8 billion by 2010, although I personally believe the current economic climate might prevent spending to reach even the more conservative prediction by the end of next year.

For more context: some say in-game advertising will ruin the video game industryaltogether, others believe standards will spur industry growth, and a recent article on our sister site Crunchgear (based on another study) suggested gamers don’t have a problem with in-game advertising at all.

Read more here.

Source TechCrunch

They are following us :)

Yeah...IQblog: Дорбро пожаловать в IQ marketing... tatoo gallery and now according PSFK Swedish Magazine is Published as a Tattoo. It seems that  they are following us :)

Finguistics: Educational Game for Microsoft Surface

UK educational software company RM is developing a game for the Microsoft Surface touch-table PC, as shown in a behind-the-scenes video by YouTube user UKDPE. In addition to providing information on the Proof of Concept game Finguistics, the video visually demonstrates how the Microsoft Surface works, in addition to its educational (and beyond) possibilities.

Source PSFK

WOW: New reality but old art

wow dance stars and their prototipes

wow rock band' inspired by legendary murloc character (with bonus lirics)

and... offline celebrities

and even legends...

and of course some fun...
more about World of Warcraft (WOW) find here

Friday, March 20, 2009

A 3-minute story of mixed emoticons

Rives -- star of the Bravo special "Ironic Iconic America" -- tells a typographical fairy tale that's short and bittersweet.
Source TED

Newspapers Are Dead, Long Live the News

While many entrenched in the media industry are trying to find ways to prop up the traditional model of print - micropayments, subscription models, media cartels - in the face of economic turmoil, some thinkers - Steven Berlin Johnson and Clay Shirky among them - believe that this attempt at life support is only delaying their inevitable demise or perhaps, reorder. Even as the newspapers continue to sound the rallying cry of, “You’ll miss us when we’re gone,” Johnson and Shirky seem to be of the mindset that despite the rocky times we’re sure to face, new models will develop to replace the old ones. In other words, we’ll get by, somehow. And while neither man claims to be a soothsayer for what sort of media landscape lies ahead, they’ve got some interesting thoughts on the subject just the same.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scott McCloud: Understanding comics

cott McCloud bends the presentation format into a cartoon-like experience, where colorful diversions whiz through childhood fascinations and imagined futures that our eyes can hear and touch.
Source TED

Why play is vital -- no matter your age

A pioneer in research on play, Dr. Stuart Brown says humor, games, roughhousing, flirtation and fantasy are more than just fun. Plenty of play in childhood makes for happy, smart adults -- and keeping it up can make us smarter at any age.
Source TED 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Old toys - new games

Frantz Lasome is working on an augmented reality toy concept that takes make-believe and lays it out in front of your eyes. His project lets kids use their old toys as game pieces and controls in an virtual world. Players battle it out, assigning weapon functions to their real world toys, and can watch the virtual action through special glasses. Though it seems like a fantastic toy, you have to wonder how immersion in an augmented world will effect kid’s developing minds.

Sound Visualization Jewelry

The Sound Advice Project creates custom bracelets of any sound’s waveform. Although the project is aimed at parents who want to make anti-drug message bracelets for their kids, the concept seems full of interesting possibilities.

Source PSFK

Friday, March 13, 2009

Дорбро пожаловать в IQ marketing... tatoo gallery

Мы решили не останавливаться на создании супермегапопулярной серии антикризисных открыток
Мы поняли, что хорошим идеям, так сказать, тесно на бумаге и...  сделали на теле наших коллег антикризисные татуировки.Хотите верьте, а хотите нет, но все, что вы видите настояшее :)

Подробнее про проект можно узнать здесь anticrisis project
Кстати, нашему примеру последовали наши соседи - Шведы и стали печатать газету на... человеческом теле IQblog: They are following us :)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Has Crowdsourcing Gone Too Far?

As much as the internet has fueled innovation through the free exchange of ideas and collaboration with anyone across the globe, are we also remaking a market economy that only benefits those on top who control the mass lines of distribution? Wired considers the pitfalls of crowdsourcing - a phenomenon once heralded for its ability to disrupt the traditional model of business by leveling the playing field for experts and amateurs alike - as more and more companies leverage its potential to their advantage which turns out, might not be beneficial for everyone involved.

Witness the upheaval afflicting the design industry, sparked by the rise of so-called “spec design” sites likecrowdSpring and 99designs. Customers post creative briefs directly to the community, which then competes to create a design that best fits the clients’ needs. A typical “assignment” will draw dozens of submissions. The winner receives a nominal fee (as little as $200), and the client receives a logo or website design at a fraction of what a professional agency might charge. The losers get zip, which goes a long way to explaining why working on spec (”on speculation,” or without guarantee of payment) has always been considered the work of last resort for writers, designers and other creative professionals.

Read more on PSFK

IQ marketing второй раз вошло в список лучших независимых агентств мира!

Агентство IQ Marketing было названо одним из лучших независимых агентств мира, попав в ежегодный рейтинг ассоциации независимых агентств Thenetworkone и отраслевого журнала Campaign.

Подробнее можно узнать здесь

60BAGS: Reusable Shopping Bags Decompose in 60 Days

60BAGS is a line of disposable bags that can decompose in about 2 months. They are sturdy enough to be used repeatedly, but are made out of a specially designed material that will break down quickly when disposed of.

60BAG explains:

60BAGs are the perfect natural answer to the environment’s needs. They are biodegradable carrier bags made our of flax-viscose non-woven fabric. Its material was scientifically developed and manufactured in Poland. The flax-Viscose fabric is produced with flax fiber industrial waste, which means it doesn’t exploit any natural resources and requires minimal energy during its production. This highly innovative technology enables the bags to naturally decompose approximately 60 days after being discarded, which means they don’t require expensive recycling or disposal in landfills.

60BAGs a breakthrough advance over the so-called “green bags” produced with polypropylene material, as well as the thick plastic bags given away by most clothing retailers. 60BAG is a great commercial opportunity for the companies committed to supporting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Source PSFK vis 60BAG

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Banksy about crisis

Since becoming increasingly commercial and globally successful, London-based street artist Banksy has decided to sell one of his sought after pieces for pennies – or rather, literally a penny. With the help of sponsors Brahma beer and Artichoke Ltd, Banksy is allowing art buyers and enthusiasts to bag a bargain in the recession. The initiative is based upon an online lottery with which you register, where you’re allotted a number to take along to a secret venue on 27th March, where a winner will be picked at random. The piece for sale, Trolleys, is currently on display at a pop up store in Carnaby Street and worth around £2,500.

Source sloshspot via PSFK

Diesel private dinner

Sick of going to the opening of an envelope new store opening party? The tried and tested formula is safe, uninspiring and obvious. (Eg. celebrity invites, cult dj spins some safe retro tunes and the real consumer is supposed to be inspired by this out pouring of elitism to then visit said store.) Always ready to challenge the status quo, Diesel's new store on Fifth Avenue in New York took a decidedly different approach at a time when consumer behaviour and creative marketing is not only revered but essential.
Street teams also gave out free goodies in key spots alongside the intimate window dinners in an attempt to catch the busy eyes of the press who were running with blackberries in hand from Fashion week's shows to parties.
Bravo to Diesel for their creative, inspiring and well executed campaign that should hopefully set the bar for economic-chic alternatives for store openings! 
Titled "Five on Fifth", the guerrilla marketing campaign for Diesel allows the consumer on the street to witness real life installations in their store windows. Intimate dinner parties that would normally be held behind closed doors were staged in the windows featuring famous New Yorkers. Each night was a different theme (cleverly organised to appeal to a cross section of consumers) with a club night featuring key dj's like Richie Rich, Kenny Kenny and Patrick McDonald,  a sports night with the key players from the New York Giants and then a Fashion night featuring the girls from Ford Models.
Source Kate Vandermeer cool Hunter 

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Source Nick Sohnemann, TrendONE Hamburg

Pun your way out of trouble

Kenneth Cole is becoming notorious for pun-filled copy that makes light of current events (after 9/11, Cole famously put up a billboard in New York reading “God Dress America”). Now the American clothing retailer is adopting the light-hearted approach to appeal to the credit-strapped consumer during the most difficult economic situation in living memory. “The future is about to be redressed,” reads one store window, while another urges us to “Avoid bare markets.” (Bare = bear, geddit?) Men are told to “Cover your ass-ets,” women to “Become a stimulus package.”

Are we to think the Kenneth Cole brand is so crassly shallow that we should buy from it out of sympathy? Or are consumers, tired of the doom-laden hyperbole, ready to gravitate to a brand that’s making a joke of it all? What is the role of humor for a brand in an anxious world? Maybe it is in Mr. Cole’s ken.

Source JWT’s AnxietyIndex

Monday, March 2, 2009

Future by Microsoft

At the Wharton Business Technology Conference, Microsoft’s Business Division president Stephen Elop presented a video that predicted the uses of technology in the year 2019. The video shows future technologies that Microsoft Labs are considering including a wall that connects two classrooms in different parts of the world, lots of old school tech that connects with other stuff, touch displays, electronic newspapers and there’s a bit we love where someone photos someone’s presentation with their laptop and then takes their shot and starts interacting with the ’smart’ items in it.<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:8d7a2ef7-84cf-4daf-9a4d-2531c273f756&amp;showPlaylist=true&amp;from=shared" target="_new" title="Retail Future Vision">Video: Retail Future Vision</a>
Source MSN, PSFK